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A Creative at Heart I am not your traditional designer. I do push pixels but I came to it later in life. I was always creative with words and pictures. It was my way of expressing myself. But, when I entered the world of technology as a project manager I was led to believe that my role and main contribution lie solely in creation of schedules and budgets. The minutia of the project. Important for sure,

In the Bay Area, it often feels like a slog to see and been. In a conversation this past weekend, I mentioned that to my colleague Wayne Sutton, that it was my goal to attend more events. To be seen more. But, I also acknowledged that I  struggle with engaging people in groups, sometimes. We were talking about my upcoming book Designing Diversity and how this is a need to share your ideas with your peers.  I explained

No one tells you how to have the hard conversation and how to make the difficult decisions. As far as I know, there are no listicles on the 5 things to do when you can’t sleep and the client calls and your stomach sinks. Or when your deadlines slip with no chance of recovery. Here's a story. The project started in May after being delayed in the design phase but I was sure, after a 2 hour

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